Father: SE UCH Rex Ventors Taz
Mother: RidgeRules Treasured La Belle DOB: 2017-03-29 Height: 69 cm Weight: 39 kg HD: A ED: 0 EOAD: Not carrier JME: N/N D-locus: D/D Liver: Not carrying the livernose gen. DM: N/DM (Carrier) Hemophilia B (Factor IX): Not carrier Ridgegen: R/r Teeth: Correct bite and all teeth present. Mentality test/BPH: Yes, gunshot proof Shows: EXC from junior class Bloodtracking: Swedish Bloodtracking Champion Nosework: Approved ORT test: eucalyptus Breeder: Maria & Robert Lundström, Kennel RidgeRules Owner: Susanne Bermark, Kennel Ridgmark Siri is my first Rhodesian Ridgeback and I felt really happy when Maria at RidgeRules Kennel asked me if I wanted to keep her on breeders terms, making her a part of Marias breeding program. I always had a dream of running my own kennel and saw a chance to learn and get more experience. Siri is a real bundle of energy and she charms everyone she meets! She loves to train and play, and everything should preferably be done as quickly as possible. She is incredibly friendly to everyone, both people and to other dogs. She has high integrity and clearly expresses what she thinks. We are a handful, exclusively chosen by her, which she loves more than life itself and to whom she shows immense affection. Others are treated in a Rhodesian Ridgeback way, with dignified.. Siri had her first litter in 2020 at RidgeRules Kennel. |